Custom Solutions Per Symbol
We have defined a set of rules that govern how to trade a stock. But there's just one catch - rules that work well for one stock might not work well for another because historically the stocks behave differently. So we allow you to evolve solutions that are customized for each individual stock symbol that you wish to trade.
Get StartedGenetic Algorithm
The number of possible unique combinations of rules for trading a stock is astronomically large. It's not possible to try out each possible solution - that would take nearly forever. So we use a genetic algorithm to find good solutions. We represent candidate solutions as DNA strings and then evolve a population of candidate solutions just like in nature. The result is that the solutions tend to improve as the evolution progresses from one generation to the next.
Start EvolvingBroker Integration
Once you have chosen solutions for stock symbols that you wish to trade our software can handle the mechanics of the actual trading for you. We have integrated with online brokers Tradier and Alpaca.
Get IntegratedDiversify
You can divide your account equity into multiple silos so that each solution only trades a small portion of your overall account. This can help smooth out the bumps when one solution is having a bad day but another is doing well. We currently support up to 50 silos per account. This means that your account can be more diversified than many mutual funds.
Be Diversified